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Why Telemedicine Is Important In The Development Of Healthcare?


By 2025, the telemedicine market is projected to be worth $156 billion. This rapid growth is being driven by advances in technology, the increased demand for healthcare services, and the rising costs of healthcare.

Telemedicine is an innovative way to provide healthcare services remotely. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including consultation, diagnosis, and treatment. Telemedicine is a growing field with a wide range of applications. It has the potential to improve access to healthcare, quality of care, and patient outcomes.

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons and benefits why telemedicine is important in the development of healthcare.

Top 5 reasons Telemedicine is now more important in the development of Healthcare 

1) Secures Medical personnel and patients

What are the advantages of using telemedicine? | Iqonic Design

Donelan, a senior scientist at the Health Policy Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Mongan Institute, says that the risk of infection and surging demands on the healthcare system have made telehealth a safe and necessary tool. Kivicare clinic and patient management system in WordPress

“Telemedicine is here to stay and ensuring our patients can access the health care system equitably ensures we do not continue to broaden the chasm the digital divide has created” – Connie Shao 

IT vendor Sykes’s survey reported that more than 60 percent of patients are now more willing to try telehealth because of the pandemic. Many early deployments used videoconferencing but many now integrate Internet of Medical Things devices to monitor patients’ vital signs from a distance, says Uri Bettesh, founder and CEO of Datos Health, a remote care and telemedicine platform.

2) Enable Radiologists to read from anywhere

Enable Radiologists to read from anywhere

The increasing evidence that COVID-19 may permanently change how radiologists work, as many are now using digital technologies to work from home, suggests that such partnerships were already becoming more common for diagnostic imaging to serve rural and international patients, according to reports.

The pandemic might be a much-needed wake-up call for city hospitals and practices that have been hesitant to let radiologists work from home. according to a blog post by Dr. Barry Julius, a physician in nuclear medicine at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, N.J., recently quoted in Radiology Business.

Julius is confident that there will be widespread adoption of teleradiology across practices and hospitals after the COVID-19 pandemic. He added that the field of radiology will never be quite the same.

3) Increasing healthcare access in senior living communities

Increasing healthcare access in senior living communities

Telemedicine can make healthcare more convenient, improve care and disease management, and reduce hospitalization rates for high-risk adults in senior housing communities, according to McKnight’s Senior Living.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expanded telehealth services in mid-March to include all Medicare beneficiaries on a temporary basis. The expansion will allow those living in homes and healthcare settings outside of rural areas to use telehealth services for office visits, preventive health screenings, and mental health services.

4) Assistance in conserving supplies and bed spaces

Telemedicine in India

Telehealth has decreased the demand for resources and hospital beds by permitting low-risk patients to stay home, saving some medical systems from becoming overwhelmed. It also can be useful within a care delivery setting.

For example, clinicians at Vanderbilt University Medical Center may use Zoom and Apple iPad devices to speak with admitted patients “to limit exposure and not use up protective equipment just for a conversation,” as CIO for health IT Dr. Neal Patel pointed out in a roundtable Q&A with HealthTech.

5) Brings care to the population in need

Brings care to the population in need

The pandemic has emphasized long-standing racial, economic, and geographic disparities that can make it difficult to get medical care, according to The American Journal Of Managed Care. A quick shift to telehealth could help improve access for groups facing the double challenge of limited resources and poor connectivity.

The reason? The telehealth program under the coronavirus response bill will support providers responding to the pandemic by assisting patients in need to get telecommunications services and devices for receiving connected care at home.

The Benefits of Telemedicine -

The Benefits of Telemedicine

Telemedicine technology can remotely monitor health through the use of smart surveillance cameras and analytical software. This type of care can reduce costs, potentially keep older individuals in their own homes longer, and help physicians to more easily tailor treatment according to a patient’s choices and availability of services.

This is especially important as the population of people over 65 years old is growing rapidly, without a corresponding increase in funding for healthcare services.

Telemedicine has the potential to help patients become more invested in their healthcare plans and increase their autonomy. This could lead to patients feeling more in control of their overall health and well-being.

For instance, telemedicine facilitates communication among :

a) As a tissue viability nurse, I visit patients at their homes to evaluate their condition. This process begins with the patient describing their wound, and then I take photographs to document it. 

b) One more tissue viability nurse working in an outpatient clinic at a contrasting hospital.

c) A physician who favours wound care and works in a different healthcare facility. This increased involvement and communication have the potential to greatly improve patient outcomes.

A Web-based Complete Clinic Management Solution for care coordination can bring together information from biometric measures and diagnostic tests, and automatically notify clinicians of any concerning values. Health Buddy, an in-home communication device, is just one example of how biometric measurements can be used to manage heart failure disease.

Women with high-risk pregnancies, individuals with diabetes, and cardiac patients can also be monitored at home, making life easier and healthier for everyone. The device reminds the necessary patients to take their medicine and keep their legs elevated when sitting, and it monitors the difficulty breathing through patients’ reports.

How can you start a Telemedicine?

When you’re looking to start your own Telemedicine service, you want to be sure you’re making the best choice for your clinic. Research different Clinic Management Solutions to find the one that will help you get your Telemedicine service up and running smoothly.


The use of telemedicine is growing rapidly due to advances in technology, the increased demand for healthcare services, and the rising costs of healthcare. Telemedicine is a growing field with a wide range of applications. In this blog post, we explored the reasons and benefits why telemedicine is important in the development of healthcare.

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Sagar Soni
Sagar Soni

Sagar is a Content Head, Writer, and creative thinker at Iqonic Design. He often deals with multiple tasks at same time. Well! He is all rounder in Writing skills. And whenever you do not find him writing he is either studying about his counselling psychology or often exploring new places and goofing around with ambition achieving friends and plan on making new money moves.

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