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Types Of Telemedicine That Came With Their Own Evolution


Telemedicine is the use of telecommunications technologies to remotely deliver health care services and information. It has come a long way since its inception in the late 20th century, and today there are many different types of telemedicine.

The most common type of telemedicine is live video conferencing, which allows patients to consult with doctors in real-time. Other types of telemedicine include Store & forward, real-time interactive services, remote patient monitoring, and mHealth.

Telemedicine has many advantages over traditional face-to-face medicine. It is more convenient for both patients and doctors, and it can improve access to care in rural and underserved areas. Reduce healthcare costs with the help of a complete clinic management solution.

There are many different types of telemedicine, each with its own unique benefits. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of telemedicine and how they are changing the delivery of health care!

Following are the multiple types of Telemedicine that came with the evolution of telemedicine –

Types Of Telemedicine

1) mHealth

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The fastest growing trend in telemedicine is mHealth or mobile health platforms. Mobile devices are one of the most convenient tech platforms currently being used by the public. More and more patients are getting personally involved in their own healthcare. Hence, individuals use tabs, mobiles, and laptops to monitor their health and stay on top of their wellness.

Since everyone is always on their phones, healthcare stakeholders decided to take advantage of that and develop telemedicine solutions for the mobile ecosystem. That way, they can meet patients where they are most comfortable.

There are many complete clinic management solutions currently available, from senior care apps to EHR Management Systems for WordPress. And the market is set to grow as mobile health and clinic and patient management system in WordPress technologies continue to evolve rapidly.

2) Store and Forward

Store and Forward

Store-and-forward telemedicine does away with the need for the medical practitioner to meet with the patient in person. Patient information like medical images or biosignals can be sent to the specialist as soon as it’s been collected from the patient. This is a common practice in the medical fields of dermatology, radiology, and pathology.

With the correct framework and attention, store-and-forward telemedicine can save time and enable medical professionals to serve the public more efficiently. However, this form of telemedicine depends on a past medical report and documented data or images, rather than a physical examination. While this has the potential to cause problems such as misdiagnosis, with the proper care it can be avoided.

3) Real-time interactive services

Real-time interactive services

Have you ever seen a virtual consultation where a doctor interacts with his patients through video streaming? You’ve witnessed Live Interactive Services! Shows us the telemedicine’s four collective legs. Real-time interactions between healthcare providers and their patients, through video chats, video conferencing, and live chat, help facilitate remote services. These include remote diagnostic and treatment services that offer patients a way to access doctors’ advice digitally.

It offers convenient ways for physicians to treat common ailments that don’t require physical examinations. These real-time services can also provide an excellent way for doctors to consult with limited English proficiency and Deaf and hard-of-hearing patients who are in remote locations.

4) Remote patient monitoring

Remote patient monitoring

Another type of telemedicine is remote patient monitoring. This allows healthcare providers to track patients’ health data from a distance, usually while the patient is in their own home. RPM can drastically reduce the amount of time a patient needs to spend in the hospital, and instead let them recover while being monitored at home.

Technology that allows patients to monitor themselves for chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and asthma, has existed for many years. However, today, vital health data can be shared with doctors and other healthcare professionals remotely, making remote patient monitoring especially effective. State-of-the-art equipment can transmit basic medical data to doctors automatically, allowing them to provide a much higher level of care and keep an eye out for the earliest signs of trouble.

Want to be part of this evolution? And start your own clinic management solution?

When you’re ready to start your own Telemedicine service, you want to be sure you’re making the best decision for your clinic. Research different Clinic Management Solutions to find the one that will help you launch your Telemedicine service quickly and easily. With the best solution, you’ll be providing outstanding care to your patients in no time!


Telemedicine is a big step in the right direction for improving healthcare accessibility to patients, especially those in remote areas with few local healthcare options. The four different types of telemedicine also make sure that remote healthcare can take care of just about every health need except emergency care and conditions that need physical examinations and consultations. Not only is telemedicine more convenient than doctor’s visits, but it’s also more cost effective than traditional healthcare.
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Sagar Soni
Sagar Soni

Sagar is a Content Head, Writer, and creative thinker at Iqonic Design. He often deals with multiple tasks at same time. Well! He is all rounder in Writing skills. And whenever you do not find him writing he is either studying about his counselling psychology or often exploring new places and goofing around with ambition achieving friends and plan on making new money moves.

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