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7 Ways Data Visualization Can Help You Land Your Next Data Science Job


The field of data science is one of the hottest and most in-demand occupations today. The demand for data scientists continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, and Data Visualization is one of the most important skills that data scientists need to have.

If you’re looking to land your next data science job, then data visualization is a skill that you need to master. Data Visualization is the process of creating visual representations of data. This can be anything from a simple line graph to a complex interactive dashboard.

There are many benefits to learning data visualization. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 7 ways that data visualization can help you land your next data science job.

1) Discovering Trends in Data

One of the most crucial aspects of data visualization is detecting trends in data. After all, it is significantly easier to discern data trends when the information is presented to you in visual form as opposed to data in a table. For example, the Graphina screenshot below demonstrates the sum of sales made by each customer in descending order. 

However, the color red denotes loss while grey denotes profits. So, from this visualization, it is evident that even though some customers may have substantial sales, they are still in the red.

2) Interactive

Data Visualization is more interactive than textual table-based data since it tells a story from a particular angle. Users can focus on aspects of the data visualization that they find interesting and learn more about that aspect of the data. The data visualization shows the user a demo view with the use of charts and ample usage of colors, shapes, etc.

3) Perspective On Data


Data Visualisation gives a broader perspective of data by displaying its significance in relation to other data. Data visualization shows the relationship between Sales and Profit.

4) Explaining the Data Process

Data Visualizations can illustrate a data process from start to finish by using various charts in a dashboard on a data store. This provides viewers with lots of information in smaller visualizations, making it easy to understand the data and see the big picture. Without visualizations, this would be difficult to explain as viewers would not be able to understand the data process by just looking at data tables.

5) Tells Data Story

Data Visualizations can illustrate a data process from start to finish by using various charts in a dashboard on a data store. This provides viewers with lots of information in smaller visualizations, making it easy to understand the data and see the big picture. 

Without visualizations, this would be difficult to explain as viewers would not be able to understand the data process by just looking at data tables.

6) Data in The Correct Context

Data Visualization can be very helpful in understanding the context of data. Without context, it can be difficult to understand the meaning of numbers in a table. The below data visualization uses a TreeMap to demonstrate the number of sales in each region of the United States. It is clear from this data visualization that California has the largest amount of sales out of the total since the rectangle for California is the largest.

7) Saving Time

In a world where data is constantly being generated, it’s important to be able to quickly and effectively gain insights from that data. Data visualization is one way to do that. It’s much faster to study data visualization than it is to study a chart. 

Data visualizations can help you see patterns and relationships that you might not be able to see in raw data. They can also help you communicate your findings to others.

Conclusion -

Data visualization is a skill that is in high demand among employers in the data science field. There are many benefits to learning data visualization, including the ability to communicate complex information in an easily understandable manner, the ability to identify patterns and trends in data, and the ability to make data-driven decisions. If you’re looking to land your next data science job, then data visualization is a skill that you need to master.

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Sagar Soni
Sagar Soni

Sagar is a Content Head, Writer, and creative thinker at Iqonic Design. He often deals with multiple tasks at same time. Well! He is all rounder in Writing skills. And whenever you do not find him writing he is either studying about his counselling psychology or often exploring new places and goofing around with ambition achieving friends and plan on making new money moves.

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