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How to Add a Google Calendar in WordPress – In 3 Easy Steps


Everyone needs a proper schedule that helps them to organize their daily schedule, daily tasks, meetings, being aware of deadlines, and Appointments. While some of this can be organized using paper like old school or you can use an online calendar. But giving respect to technology and its advancement, everything is getting Digital in this generation and that’s where Google calendar comes in which is the most relevant in the internet era.

Google keeps updated every day like if you schedule any meeting then it updates on how much time is left for that meeting and it also gets you notified about that meeting. So even if you have forgotten about it you don’t need to worry about it, you are going to get notified before time.

Now you are wondering “It’s good! Google Calendar helps me on a regular basis but how can it help me in WordPress? And what are the benefits of me using Google Calendar in WordPress?” Then allow me to relieve you of that problem! And I will show you how it can be used and what the benefits of using it are! Just Hold with me till the end.

About WordPress Calendar

Nowadays there are 250,000+ websites that are categorized as google calendar customers and nearly 100,000 of them use Google calendar.

Notifications for your Customers: With the assistance of Google Calendar in WordPress, your customers can be notified about upcoming events so that they can make time to participate. This everyone will be notified in advance and time can be saved where your customers will be just notified in just a short time.

Manage Personal Appointments: With the Google Calendar, you can set your tasks by listing them here, adding notes, reminders, and everything which needs you to be reminded of. Google Calendar in WordPress was created for personal use but then now it is integrated with websites and multiple benefits can be gained with the help of Google Calendar.

Integrating Google Calendar with your WordPress Site is an amazing way to spread information to your users about your upcoming events. Also, it is an impeccable tool to recur your meetings, manage who participates, and arrange video calls among other things. Google Calendar in WordPress is the only plugin that helps you to maintain your regular schedule and management tool for WordPress Business. The only reason why Google Calendar is at the top of the number is that it has undefeatable features.

How to Embed Google Calendar in your WordPress? In 3 easy steps.

Below are the 3 Easy steps which will help you to add the Google Calendar to your WordPress:

1 – With a Plugin

2 – Via the WP Block Editor

3 – Using HTML

All of these Methods are Deeply effective.

How to Embed Google Calendar with the help of plugin:

Now let’s see how you can add Google Calendar with the help of a plugin in your WordPress site. We will use a highly demanded Simple Calendar This tool will help you to add Google Calendar to your WordPress site smoothly.

Besides notifying events monthly, weekly or daily. It syncs with Google Calendar so you won’t have to add anything to WordPress

Step 1: Add Simple Calendar to WordPress

The first step is to add Google Calendar to your WordPress site by installing a simple calendar on your site.

– In your WordPress Dashboard, go to the plugins section.

– Click Add New and then type Simple Calendar in the search box.

– There you’ll see the simple calendar – Google Calendar Plugin. Click install now and wait a few moments until it finishes.

– Go to the Installed plugins sections, and activate it.

After doing all this look at your sidebar and you will see Calendars sections with a little calendar icon. That means that you have successfully installed a simple calendar.

Step 2: Connect your slide with your calendar

Once you have installed and activated Google Calendar, you will have to connect it with your WordPress site. So to configure the plugin, click Calendar Settings. And There you will see Tab events sources, and you will see that it asks for a Google API key. Here you can find how to get the API coming.

– Open Google Developers Console

– On the top right of the screen, click Create Project. Then type the name you want, and click create.

You will then be taken to the APIs and Services page. Here, click Enable APIs and services to get through to the API library. 

On the next screen, you will see a search box. Type Calendar API, choose the suggested result Google Calendar API and enable it.

After that go to the credentials tab, click Create Credentials, and choose the API key as shown below

– Now you will see the API key generated for you. Click Restrict For safety measures. 

– You will be taken to the API key detail page where you will see several options.

– In the Application restriction part, choose HTTP referrers (Web sites).

– In the website restrictions section, select Add an item and enter your site URL. Once you’ve done that click Done.

– In the API restrictions section, choose Restrict Key and Google Calendar API when selecting APIs, then click Save.

Great! You have safely navigate through the tough part. Now feel free to copy the API key, go back to the Calendars settings WordPress Dashboard where it asks for a Google API key, and paste the key. Click Save changes, and move on to the following step.

I know it’s a bit boring but here we are just a bit away from setting Google Calendar in your WordPress.

Step 3: Display Google Calendar in WordPress

Last and final is on what we are right now! Where you will find out how to Display Google Calendar and show it to the visitors of your WordPress Website.

1) visit Google Calendar and click settings. You will see a left sidebar, scroll it down to find settings for my calendars, and opt for the calendar you want to display on WordPress.

– After clicking on the calendars you want to show, you will click the Access permissions, Tick the Make available to the public option.

– Then click the integrated calendar on the same dropdown, Here, Copy the ID under the public address in iCal format.

– Now, go back to the WordPress Dashboard, and in the calendar tab, choose to Add new.

– Type the title you want for your calendar and then scroll down until you see the Calendar settings.

And there choose the Tab Google Calendar and you will see this.

– Paste the ID you copied in the third step above ( Public address in iCal format) to the calendar ID box.

And that’s easily how you can embed Google Calendar In WordPress!

2) Add Google Calendar with the WordPress block editor. 

Another option is to add Google Calendar to any post on your site that is used to the Google Calendar Block. This method is very easy and effective and can be done without any requirement of any coding.

1 – So, to include the Google Calendar Block on your website, go to a page where you add the Calendar and click Add Block.

2 – Then, type Google Calendar and select the corresponding block.

3- After Adding the block, you will need to enable permissions for the calendar you want to share and paste the calendar embed code in the corresponding field.

4 – So, to get the embed code you need in step 3, go to Google Calendar, click on the 3 dots next to the calendar, and press Settings and sharing. 

5 – After that, go to the Access Permissions section and make your calendar public by ticking the make available to the public option. You will get a warning saying that this will make all your events visible. Click Ok

6 – Then, go to the integrator calendar section and copy the Embed Code. This is the code you will use to add your calendar to your site. If you check the code, you will see that it has your email in it so make sure you are ok with the calendar being public.

7 – Finally go back to the post where you want to display your calendar and paste the embed code in the corresponding field. Then press Embed and save the changes.

8 – That’s it. You have just embedded Google Calendar on your WordPress site.

You can customize your calendar by clicking on the customize button. You can color, buttons, sizes, tabs, icons, and more. 

3) Embed Google Calendar in WordPress via HTML

Another easy way to Embed Google Calendar in Your WordPress site is via HTML. Don’t let the name discourage you if you are not a developer. This method doesn’t require any coding skills and is very effective.

1. So, to add Google Calendar to your site using HTML, first go to the page where you want to include your calendar.

2. Then, add a new Custom HTML Block. Here you will need to paste your calendar embed code.

3. To get it you need to repeat steps 4 to 6 of the previous block editor method. You will need to go to Google Calendar, click on the 3 dots next to your calendar, and then go to settings and sharing. Then make your calendar public under Access permissions, go to the integrate calendar section, and copy the embed code.

4. Once you get your calendars link, paste it into the HTML Block and save the changes.

5. You have just added your Google Calendar to WordPress!


We are aiming and peaking towards the top and for the highly AI-first world and at this peak time for us and for tech and for software start-up to make a mark. With this IT Solutions and Technology-Driven WordPress Theme. We are sure you will be ahead of every tech- trend, and you will know how your future website will look like. 

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Sagar Soni
Sagar Soni

Sagar is a Content Head, Writer, and creative thinker at Iqonic Design. He often deals with multiple tasks at same time. Well! He is all rounder in Writing skills. And whenever you do not find him writing he is either studying about his counselling psychology or often exploring new places and goofing around with ambition achieving friends and plan on making new money moves.

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