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How to Build A Successful Online Customer Journey Map


“Excellent customer service is the number one job in any company! It is the personality of the company and the reason customers come back. Without customers, there is no company!” – Connie Edler

Do you know who’s your true BOSS?

It’s Customer! There’s only one boss, and he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman to the employee just by simply spending his money somewhere else. Nobody wants that and we value your company’s esteem too.

That’s why we cater to all the needs skillfully and focus on providing the best and most effective customer journey map. Not just that, a satisfied customer isn’t everything. We aim to create raving fans. Those customers are so overwhelmed and floored by the customer service they’ve received that they can’t stop telling everyone about it.

If you want to achieve the same, then this blog will help you do so.

We’ll tell you about how to create an Effective Customer Journey Map that’ll boost your sales to the maximum.

First, let us understand what is a Customer Journey.

Customer Journey

Consider a goal with your company like making a purchase, joining a loyalty program, signing up for a newsletter, or anything. The process through which a customer goes to achieve a goal with your company is called a Customer Journey!

Try to visualize this journey in a diagram and then refer to that as a resource. This is where designing a customer journey map comes into action.

Now, we’ll study the mapping of a customer journey.

Customer Journey Mapping

To understand this concept better, consider yourself as a customer who is going to buy a product online. You’re simply scrolling on social media and coming across a page that is advertising your necessity. Clicked on the link, and straight away went to their handle. Got fascinated, and visited their link from the bio section. Analyzed a few or more prospects before selecting a product, then finally checking out by making a purchase.

Now, this process seems so easy and convenient that we imagine there are no efforts behind it. Each step comes with numerous difficulties and variant challenges.

Mapping is a process of visualizing how a customer will tend to interact with a business by mapping out the actions they’ll take to accomplish any task. This will include, key events customer motivation, and frictional areas. A typical experience of a customer with your brand is studied here.

So, can you understand how much importance it carries? Focus on your best practices and what they are. We’ll cover this in the next section.

How to create a Customer Journey Map

1) Prioritise Your Objectives

Let’s ask you some simple questions, What goals are you willing to accomplish? Where do you want to take your customers to? Who is it especially designed for? Is it based on a certain type of experience?

Try asking yourself before even beginning, inculcate the sense of being a buyer, and behave like a fictitious customer. Belonging to different demographics and psychographics, act like an average customer. Having a clear perception will help you to understand different aspects and map your potential customers towards them.

2) Define Your Goals And Conduct Research

The best way to learn is to conduct thorough research. Try organizing research on your products, you can do that easily by questionnaires and product testing. Remember, fake responses will not help at all. You’ll need a target market and a genuine audience to gain some valuable insights.

Each remark will contribute something useful to your library, feedback will be more detail-oriented and motivate you to overcome your weaknesses. Want some really good feedback questions?

Say no more!

  • How did you come across our company/product?
  • What aspect attracted you to us?
  • What solution you’re looking for?
  • How long did you spend on our website? Was it useful for you?
  • Did you ever purchase with us? Which factor intrigued you the most?
  • Which point did you feel like, No! This is not the one?
  • Did you wish for customer support?
  • Is there anything that we can do to make your shopping more feasible?

These questions will help you to understand your audience, their pain points, their intriguing points, their ideology, their spending budget, and hurdles to overcome.

3) Learn about your potential customer’s behavior

Once you’ve learned about your different customers, try to narrow down the focus on the potential ones. One with ideal specifics will always follow a very simple path with your organization. Don’t fit too many perceptions, as this will deviate you from your ideal customer experience.

customer journey mapIn this case, numerous feedbacks will not work as different opinions and different results. The best option is to pick your most common customer behavior as their buying behavior will reflect how a new customer will engage with your business for the first time.

Take the help of an analytic tool, in case you miss one or two trends then it’s not an issue as you can always come back to alter your customer journey map and take the necessary actions.

4) Jot Down The Touchpoints

All those points through which a person can interact with you are called Touchpoints. Based on the results of your research, you should be able to figure out what are your firm’s Touchpoints. Is it social media handles, paid advertisements, email marketing, third-party reviews, mentions, or any other platform?

You should be able to judge that, Google Analytics can give you precise information that from which source traffic is coming to your website, and understanding these touchpoints can help you ease the customer journey.

If the audience is utilizing your touchpoints, not at a great level, then there’s a chance that they’re quickly getting turned away and if they’re using it more often then there’s a chance that your website is complicated and it requires several steps to reach the goal.

Touchpoints are mainly categorized into three parts. They’re Actions, Emotions and Motivation, and Obstacles and Pain-points.

List out all the interactive actions, that a person is taking to reach the end goal. Each action is motivated by emotion, figure out that and align your marketing techniques with them. Obstacles need to be taken care of and pain points need to be overcome soon. One example of an obstacle that can be costly and one pain point can be high shipping cost.

5) Fix the resources you have and which you’ll need

It’s important to finalize the inventory that you have and the resources that you’ll need. The Touchpoints will be covering your overall business expansion. Doesn’t matter, if it’s only your website or social media.

People try to find you beyond that, in reviews, in word of mouth, suggestions, and many more. All these aspects need to be mentioned in the customer journey map.

For instance, you get valuable feedback that your customer’s service is not up to the mark. Then, it’s precise that you need to work on that. You need to advise your management to invest more in customer service tools and provide top-notch facilities.

6) Try the customer journey yourself

Your work isn’t done yet! As you need to become a customer of your brand now. This is the most important part of the process, as it directly focuses on your effort’s result. All your questions will be answered here.

How many people are clicking on the purchase button? Are the potential customers targeted to the end goal? Are they making out the purchase? And many more.

Analyzing your results will help you to know where you’re lacking and where are your customers dropping off. If you do not try this last step, then the whole process will just become another mere dream. So, take this suggestion seriously and try out different behaviors from social media to reading emails, browsing online, and many more.

7) Make the necessary changes

After evaluating the results, you need to implement the changes. However massive or little the chances are, they’re going to be effective as they directly correlate with what clients listed as their pain points. instead of blindly creating changes with the hopes that they will improve customer experiences, you’ll feel sure that they will. And, with the assistance of your pictured customer journey map, you can guarantee those desires and pain points are perpetually addressed.

Don’t stop here, your map should be consistently reviewed and upgraded from time to time. Use your data along with your feedback to track your progress.

Now, that’s all with the suggestions. We can now look at the implementation. Our best WordPress design for portfolio, “Mauve” can exhibit an amazing Customer Journey.

Best Practices to Achieve an Amazing Customer Journey

1) Set a goal for the journey

We determined that our website will showcase our client’s portfolio. Exhibit their creativity, feature their work, elaborate their expertise, provide credibility through social proof, gain immense exposure, and share their mindset and ideas. Then, achieve the ultimate goal which is conversion.

2) Surveyed customers to understand their buying behavior

We interviewed many of our initial buyers and took their review over small things. Like a toolbar, animation, transition, preview, appearance, and many other factors. Each review contributed something unique to our website. Today, it caters to every individual deal of a freelancer, who’s trying to build his portfolio worthy.

3) Constantly Developing

Sometimes customers don’t know what exact problem they’re facing, till they drop off. So to prevent that, we’ve provided a feature of suggestion. As soon as they feel inconvenient, they can share their trouble in that box and we can work on that easily.

4) Focused on each buyer persona

As we stated earlier, different buyers, different personas. We must focus on our target audience but we just can’t simply neglect the traffic too. When people are coming to our website, why not focus on transforming them into our target audience?

Clicked something? Demographics, psychographics? Indeed.

Focus on each factor and even for how long someone has been a customer as this can determine the way a person interacts with your business.

5) Keep Evolving

You’re Unstoppable!

You keep developing different projects, different products, different services, and much more. Then, why do you settle with your strategies? Rather, they should never be kept on hold.

We took this point in our minds and reviewed the customer experience after every slight tweak.

Take the Path to Customer Success

A customer journey map is the simplest manner to visualize this information, whether or not you’re optimizing your adventure for the customer or exploring a brand new business possibility to serve a customer’s unrecognized needs. There are many elements that could have an effect on this journey consisting of purchaser pain points, emotions, and your company’s touchpoints and processes.

So, if you want to analyze a bit more then keep learning “Amazing WordPress Themes Especially for Enthusiastic Entrepreneurs

Moreover, want to have closure in the Best WordPress Theme for Portfolio then click on Mauve.

Thank you for staying till the end, we value your time and efforts. Feel free to acquire any assistance from our team. Our executives will be delighted to solve your queries and ensure secure payments.

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Vatsal Makhija
Vatsal Makhija
Articles: 77