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How to Get Started with Flutter Mobile App Development


Do you want to develop your mobile app but don’t know where to start? Flutter is an excellent option for mobile app development that can help you create a beautiful and functional app.

Developed by Google, Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework. The software allows you to develop Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, and Google Fuchsia applications from a single codebase. A Flutter app is written in the Dart programming language and uses widgets for UI development. This makes Flutter apps highly customizable, efficient, and fast.

Getting started with Flutter mobile app development is easy. Here are the steps you need to take to get started:

Step 1: Install the Flutter SDK

The first step in developing a Flutter app is to install the Flutter SDK. You can download the Flutter SDK from the official Flutter website. Once you have downloaded the SDK, unzip it and add it to your PATH so that it can be found by other tools.

Step 2: Install the IDE

Once the Flutter SDK is installed, you will need to install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is compatible with Flutter. The two most popular IDEs for Flutter development are Android Studio and VS Code. Android Studio is a powerful, free, open-source IDE designed specifically for Android development. VS Code is a free code editor from Microsoft that supports Flutter development.

Step 3: Set up the Emulator

To test your app, you will need to set up an emulator. An emulator is a virtual environment that can be used to test how your app will look and behave on a real device. You can set up the emulator with the Android Studio AVD Manager or the VS Code Flutter extension.

Step 4: Write your App

Now that you have the Flutter SDK, IDE, and emulator set up, you can start writing your app. Flutter apps are written in the Dart programming language, so you must be familiar with this language.

Step 5: Test and Release the App

You should thoroughly test the app before making it available for download in order to make sure it is free of bugs and that it functions as intended. It is now possible to publish your app on the respective app stores once it has been tested and is ready for release.

We have moved beyond those days when we had to sit back, close our eyes, and spend many hours thinking about the programming language that would allow us to develop applications for various operating systems.

The world is moving fast, you should too!

Here are some key widgets to make your web app development as seamless as ever.

1. Flutter Charts

Flutter Charts are well-crafted charting widgets for visualizing data. With multiple charts and graphs ranging from line charts to financial charts, it caters to every charting scenario. In this widget, you will find some of the most popular and widely used charts like line, column, bar, pie, and doughnut charts.

There is a vast array of options available to customize the appearance of charts, as well as to render the desired outputs. Data is presented in a fluid animation with smooth transitions from one section to another. Using Flutter, charts render adaptively depending on the device type, such as a phone or a tablet, and the orientation of the device, so that the end user gets the best experience.

2. Scaffold Widget

The Scaffold widget is a powerful and convenient way to structure your app in Flutter. Its flexible structure and consistent look and feel make it easy to create Material Design apps that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

A Scaffold widget is typically used as the root widget for a Material Design app. It allows you to define the structure of your app, including the app bar, body, bottom navigation bar, and floating action button. The body of the Scaffold can be any widget, such as a ListView, a GridView, or a SingleChildScrollView.

One of the benefits of using Scaffold is that it provides a consistent look and feel for your app. For example, if you want to display a floating action button, you can do so by simply wrapping your Scaffold in a FloatingActionButton widget. This consistency makes it easier for users to understand and navigate your app.

3. Row and Column

In Flutter, “Row” and “Column” are two common layout widgets that allow you to arrange other widgets in either a horizontal or vertical line, respectively. These widgets are essential for creating the basic structure of your user interface and organizing its content.

The Row widget arranges its children in a horizontal line, from left to right. You can control the space between the children by using the “mainAxisAlignment” and “crossAxisAlignment” properties. For example, you can use the “mainAxisAlignment” property to align the children to the start, end, center, or space between them.

The Column widget arranges its children in a vertical line, from top to bottom. Like the Row widget, you can use the “mainAxisAlignment” and “crossAxisAlignment” properties to control the alignment of the children. Additionally, you can use the “Expanded” widget to take up the remaining free space along the vertical axis.

Both the Row and Column widgets are very flexible and can be nested inside each other to create more complex layouts.

4. Sliders

The Slider widget is used to allow the user to select a value from a range of values. It’s commonly used for adjusting settings such as volume, brightness, or other numerical values within a specific range.

The Slider widget is highly customizable and can be styled to match the look and feel of your app. You can change the color of the track, the thumb, and the value indicator, as well as the shape and size.

You can also specify the minimum and maximum values for the slider, as well as the steps between the values.

In addition, you can attach an event listener to the slider to respond to changes in the slider value. For example, you can use a callback function to update the UI when the slider value changes, or to save the value to persistent storage.

5. List View

The “ListView” widget in Flutter is a scrolling widget that displays a linear list of widgets. It’s one of the most commonly used widgets in Flutter, as it allows you to easily create scrolling lists of items, such as a list of products, a list of contacts, or a list of images.

ListViews can be created with either a fixed number of items or an infinite number of items, depending on your needs. For example, if you have a fixed number of items, you can create a ListView with a “ListView.builder” constructor. This constructor takes an “itemCount” parameter that specifies the number of items in the list, and an “itemBuilder” function that returns a widget for each item.

If you have an infinite number of items, you can create a ListView with the “ListView.separated” or “ListView.custom” constructor. In this case, you need to provide a “builder” function that returns a “StreamBuilder” widget, which listens to a data stream and builds the list of items on demand.

Skip the Hassle! Be Proactive.

You can skip the trouble and build a stunning mobile app based on the framework for building mobile apps, Flutter.

Introducing ProKit Flutter – Best Selling Flutter UI Kit

Prokit | Best Flutter UI Templates | Iqonic Design

Prokit is the Biggest Flutter UI Kit designed specifically for mobile app developers. Over 960+ screens are included in this Flutter UI Kit.

This Flutter UI Kit is the most comprehensive and mass-produced Flutter UI Kit on the market.

Android and iOS developers can use these Flutter UI Kits to speed up app development by saving time with a high-quality UI kit. A vast array of fully functional screens with business-specific features make up Prokit – Best Flutter UI Templates.

With Prokit – Best Selling Flutter UI Kit, developers can create slick and stylish applications with ease, revolutionizing app development. Flutter design community members can now benefit from a bundle of app templates that cater to various designs for mobile apps, as well as various layouts for all multi-purpose apps.

The following designed templates can help you clear your vision.

1) Music Podcast


Start your music podcast with Prokit’s advanced Best Selling Flutter UI Kit.

2) NFT Marketplace


NFT is grooving the world currently. If you’re planning to enter the future era today, then try out Prokit’s meticulously build flutter mobile application. With more than 12 screens, Prokit can help you to kickstart your virtual journey.

3) SocialV Apps


Social V-Social Network Flutter App with BuddyPress Backend is a modern social media alter native that helps you frame forums, news feeds, and groups to help your target audience interact efficiently.

Final Note!

With Prokit, you will be able to save hours of your development time by choosing from a range of 14+ themes. Prokit’s mobile app themes are easy to use and customize, so you can build exactly the kind of app you want without having to know much about coding.

Here are some of our top recommendations to browse through.Prokit has already been used by over 2500 clients around the world, so what are you waiting for? Make the most of your time with Prokit’s advanced and dynamic Flutter UI Kit.

Hold on! You can always ask for a free live demo at ProKit Flutter.

Live Demo

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Vatsal Makhija
Vatsal Makhija
Articles: 77