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The 3 Biggest Ecommerce Design Mistakes To Avoid


Designing an eCommerce store can be difficult. There are so many factors to consider, from the layout and flow of the pages to the design of the checkout process.

Making even one small mistake can lead to lost sales and disappointed customers. In this article, we’ll take a look at three of the biggest eCommerce design mistakes to avoid, so you can create a store that not only looks good but is also optimized for conversions.

1) Images should be of High quality

Images should be of High quality

Didn’t think your item picture was significant? Reconsider.

As indicated by research, 67% of buyers say that the nature of an item picture is vital while choosing and buying an item.

Well, that is countless individuals that you could be putting off purchasing your stuff because your pictures are of bad quality.

Consider it, an item picture lets you know all that you want to be familiar with and what you can expect assuming you get it. So it’s required to offer it to the guest, however much the depiction will.

2) Clear vision for Hierarchy Visual

Clear vision for Hierarchy Visual

At the point when a customer comes to your site, your primary objective ought to be to persuade them that they need your item in their lives. Also, how would you do this? By giving a clear visual pecking order.

Visual pecking order essentially impacts what the natural eye will check initially out. So with regard to the plan of your site, your guests ought to be attracted to your item first.

It’s not just about the item picture by the same token. The item includes cost, size, and CTA should be in a reasonable request so you push the guest towards the deal easily.

3) Keeping always updated 

Keeping always updated 

Truly, initial feelings count for everything, so the general plan of your whole site needs to stay aware of the most recent patterns. Have you at any point gone onto a site that appears as though it’s from the 90s and hopped right back off? A dated plan looks awful, yet it causes you to appear to be amateurish.

Building trust is vital to the progress of your store, so ensure you keep steady over-plan patterns and keep it reliable across your whole store.

Hope UI – Bootstrap Admin Template

Hope UI - Bootstrap Admin Template | Iqonic Design

Now let’s have a look at one of the peaking Admin Dashboard Template and UI Component that will assist in creating an impeccable E-commerce site without any flaws. 

Que – Does Hope UI support Woocommerce? 

Ans –  Yes!! It does support Woocommerce.

Hope UI – Bootstrap Admin Template is made probably the latest and in modish UI UX layouts. It’s far made in this sort of manner that it serves the association of Developers, Designers, and news organizations to its fullest breaking point. It works with creating and serving endeavors to their generally unmistakable potential.

Hope UI – Admin Dashboard Template and UI Component will fabricate a phenomenal site without having coding information. It is a second and HTML head plan that ups and begins the stage for any undertakings overseen by subject matter experts and organizers.

Some Features that are extremely beneficial to the community – 

  • 400+ UI Components 
  • 60+ Menu Styles Variations 
  • Clean-Coded Design System 
  • 3 Modes – Light, Dark, RTL
  • Smooth Running Pages 
  • Superfast Customization 


Designing an e-commerce store can be a daunting task. There are many things to consider, from the layout and flow of the pages to the design. Making even one small mistake can lead to lost sales and disappointed customers. In this article, we will look at the three biggest eCommerce design mistakes to avoid, and if not worry about these mistakes then grab Hope UI where you will find a worry-less e-Commerce site

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Sagar Soni
Sagar Soni

Sagar is a Content Head, Writer, and creative thinker at Iqonic Design. He often deals with multiple tasks at same time. Well! He is all rounder in Writing skills. And whenever you do not find him writing he is either studying about his counselling psychology or often exploring new places and goofing around with ambition achieving friends and plan on making new money moves.

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