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The Easiest Way To Build Successful Power BI Visual KPI


As businesses grow, so too does the need to track and measure their success. This is where visual Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, come in. A well-designed KPI visually communicates how a business is performing, quickly highlighting areas of improvement or decline. 

Organizations can become more data-driven by designing proper evaluation parameters, such as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). KPIs provide a holistic view of an organization’s performance, with many statistics. Properly designed KPIs can help increase revenue and better understand customers. 

Data analytics and BI tools are becoming more popular in the market today. Organizations are using these tools to make effective data-driven decisions.

Power BI is one such BI tool that helps companies leverage their customer data. With Power BI, you can create compelling reports and dashboards that keep track of your business performance. Creating Power BI KPIs is a technique that businesses can use to set clear, well-defined goals for their teams.

While there are many different ways to design KPIs, one of the easiest and most effective ways to do so is through the use of power BI visuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore what Power BI Visuals KPI

What is KPI?

Key Performance Indicator is an indicator that shows how well a business is doing in achieving a measurable goal by evaluating quantifiable values. A KPI always has a base value or measure which is evaluated against a target value.

KPIs are the best way to measure the performance of your business and how close you are to reaching a goal. The goal of a KPI is to help you evaluate the current value and status of a metric against a defined target.

Creating KPIs for Power BI is not difficult, but it is important to ensure you have a base measure, target measure or value, and threshold or goal. Generally speaking, there are two types of KPIs- Low-Level KPIs and High-Level KPIs.

Low-Level KPIs drill down into specifics such as Employees, Sales, Marketing, Production, and many more, while High-Level KPIs show the Overall Performance of an organization.

What is BI?

Many businesses rely on business intelligence (BI) tools and software in order to make better strategic decisions. But what is BI, exactly? Simply put, BI is a set of techniques and tools used to help organizations improve their decision-making process. This can be done by collecting and analyzing data from various sources in order to identify trends and patterns. From there, businesses can take actions based on this information in order to improve performance.

Power BI is a Business Intelligence tool from Microsoft. It helps users analyze data from various sources and create reports & dashboards. It can act as a stand-alone desktop application or as a completely managed Cloud-based web service.

KPI elements in Business Intelligence  

Base Value

A base value is the final value of all records including Sales, Gross, Profits and etc. 

Target Value

A Target Value is an ideal number you want to achieve for a goal. This value is what you would want to achieve from your Base Value. For example, the target value for total units to be sold in a month might be 69. Your Base Value will be the recorded number for a month. It could be less than 69, equal to 69, or greater than 69.

Status Threshold

The Status Threshold provides a range to evaluate the Base Value and Target Value. It presents a high and low end of a range between the two values, which can be used to determine the status of an organization.

Utilization of Power BI KPI’S

  • Progress can be measured in many ways. For example, you might look at whether you are getting the right results, meeting your targets, or falling behind.
  • Another way to measure progress is to see how far you have come towards reaching a goal. 
  • For instance, if you set a goal to sell a certain number of products in a month, and then compare the number of Sales you actually made to that target, you would be measuring your progress.

Graphina PRO – Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, & Datatables

Graphina PRO is a cutting-edge Best Data Visualisation WordPress Plugin tool that enables users to interactively explore and analyze connected data. With its intuitive interface and powerful functionality, Graphina PRO offers users the ability to quickly find relationships and patterns in their data. Additionally, Graphina PRO offers drag-and-drop connectors, making it easy to create beautiful data visualizations without any coding required.

Whether you are a business analyst, data scientist, or student, Graphina PRO is the perfect tool for you!

Graphina PRO is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that makes it easy to create stunning visualizations of your business data using Power BI. With an easy-to-use interface, Graphina PRO helps you quickly import your data and build powerful visual KPIs in minutes. You can then share these visuals with colleagues and stakeholders across your organization, getting the insights you need to make better business decisions.

As data grows more plentiful, it becomes increasingly important to find efficient ways to analyze and make sense of it all. In today’s business world, that often means turning to Best Data Visualisation WordPress Plugin in order to spot trends and patterns that might be hidden in text-based reports. Microsoft Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that can help do just that.


As data grows more plentiful, it becomes increasingly important to find efficient ways to analyze and make sense of it all. In today’s business world, that often means turning to Best Data Visualisation WordPress Plugin in order to spot trends and patterns that might be hidden in text-based reports. Microsoft Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that can help do just that. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create a simple but effective visual KPI using our Graphina PRO for Power BI add-in.

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Sagar Soni
Sagar Soni

Sagar is a Content Head, Writer, and creative thinker at Iqonic Design. He often deals with multiple tasks at same time. Well! He is all rounder in Writing skills. And whenever you do not find him writing he is either studying about his counselling psychology or often exploring new places and goofing around with ambition achieving friends and plan on making new money moves.

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