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The Ultimate Guide To Choose A WordPress Theme – 8 Things to Consider


The first Interaction tool in the WordPress Admin Area is the WordPress Theme. Seeing a lot of colorful themes everywhere, our happiness does not go away. Sometimes we install the first Theme and sometimes the second. It is like a game. And at this time, we do not consider ourselves less than an expert. But as all the secrets are revealed, it is known that choosing the right theme is more important for the website. 

The WordPress Theme is a user-friendly framework for your blog or website. Through which the visual appearance of your site can be customized. In simple language, how your site will look from the front, is done by customizing the perfect WordPress theme.

How to Choose A WordPress Theme?

With regards to choosing a theme for your WordPress website, there is a huge load of choices to look over. There are right now more than 7,000 free themes in the WordPress index, in addition to incalculable premium themes from different designers. 

All in all, how would you pick the best themes for your site? To help you settle on your choice, I will share 8 hints to assist you with picking WordPress themes that will make a solid establishment for your site.

Know the reason behind choosing any theme

There are two types of themes available on WordPress CMS by which you can select any theme for your website.

Know the reason behind choosing any theme | Iqonic Design

1. General Theme

Such themes which are designed to fit, features, and layouts on almost all types of blogs or websites, are called General Theme.

Different types of Pages, Codes, Widgets, Extensions, and Tools are available in such a Theme. However, due to coding all over the segment, they occupy more space in memory.

2. Niche Themes

WordPress Themes can also be chosen according to Niche. Themes of different designs and templates are also available on WordPress, according to blogs and websites of each type (Niche). Such as Travel, Food, Photography, Online Store, etc.

Such themes are called Niche Themes. Of these, special attention is given to the specific requirement related to only one Niche. And each feature is designed accordingly. These are the Expert Themes of their given Niche.

Steps you can take to guarantee that you pick the best theme for your WordPress Site

1. Selecting WordPress Theme(Premium or Free)

The WordPress theme should be chosen very wisely so that it fits your site perfectly. You can choose one of the themes Premium or Free. This should be right for your site.

Themes affect a website in many ways. The heavy theme looks great, but it can slow down your website and Google will spoil its ranking. If a theme is not coded properly, it becomes difficult to add any plugin or change that theme. Choosing a theme is very important because everything depends on the theme of your website.

2. Check Responsive design, Your site should be Responsive

Responsive Theme means a theme that is easy to use and supports all devices. Such as Desktop, Tablet Mobile, etc. According to such Themes Device, they adjust their Layout, Navigation Menu, and Image Size. Which does not inconvenience the reader.

Your theme should be compatible with all screen sizes. Devices other than laptops and PCs generate a large amount of traffic. Google also gives better ranking to Responsive sites. 

Many plain themes are Responsive by default, but there are still some themes that are not Responsive. So you should look for a theme that is responsive to make your website accessible to all device users.

After installing your chosen Theme, find out if the Theme has met all the parameters of WordPress. For this, do the Test by installing the Free Plugin available on the Theme Check Plugin WordPress; You can check your themes using distinct tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Tools, GTmetrix, WebPagetestand YSlow Browser Plugin, etc.

3. Choose the Perfect SEO Optimized Theme

A successful blog/website is one that attracts a good amount of visitors daily. To get this kind of success, you first have to pay close attention to SEO on your website.

SEO Optimization should also be given special attention while choosing the team for your website. To find out how SEO is done on your website and whether it is correct or not, you can use Google’s free Google structured data testing tool.

Here you have to copy and paste the URL of your website to check your data. After doing this, it presents all the structured data test reports related to the website in front of you.

If any type of error does not appear in this report, then understand that your website and the theme on it are absolutely correct. On the contrary, if any type of error is present in your report, then it means that your website and the theme on it can prove very dangerous for your work.

Due to these errors, you also see an error on the Google search console. Apart from this, you will find many such free tools on the Internet that help you to show SEO scores on your website. You can also take the help of Google or YouTube to find this tool.

Pro Tips: – If you have put a theme on your website and if someone else has applied the same theme on your website, then you can also check the structure of it and know whether the same error is present in it or not.

4. If possible, select a premium theme

Almost all Free Themes are free because their developers know that their Theme is not Premium Quality. And there is still something missing in those themes. And if you want a perfect and fully functional theme, then of course you choose the Premium WordPress Theme.

Creating a website is like a business. And every business has to invest in something or other. Only then can you get the desired profit. Web Hosting and Theme are two basic requirements. It is wise to invest in them.

With Premium WordPress Theme we get Enhanced Quality Features, Speed ​​, and Better Site Security for our Site. Also, get 24X7 Customer Support. Which cannot be found in any Free Theme. So, we should use the Premium Theme only.

5. Choose an AdSense ads ready theme

If you have problems placing Adsense ads on the website or you do not know how to add them, then in this situation you can use the Adsense Ads Ready theme. 

There are already sections to add ads inside such a theme. You only need to create an ad from your AdSense account and paste its code here. You can earn good money by placing ads according to you.

6. Multilingual Theme

If the targeted audiences of your website are from different regions of the globe where different languages are spoken, you ought to definitely have a multilingual feature.

Once an individual from a different country accesses your website where the official language is different, he will get a choice to translate the content of the website to his official language and understand your website properly.

A lot of individuals think that the content should be written in individual languages in order that when an individual chooses an available language, the content gets replaced. But that’s just one way of translation.

There is a different way where you’ll translate anything on your WordPress site starting from posts, and pages to categories, tags, and every content within the theme.

7. Check Cross Browser Testing

Cross-browser testing is extremely important when changing WordPress themes or implementing a replacement design because it helps you make sure that your website looks good on all different browsers, screen sizes, operating systems, and mobile devices.

Google Chrome is the most well-liked browser in the world with a 65% market share on desktop computers and 57% on mobile devices. However, other browsers like Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Opera are still widely used by many users across the world.

Due to a good range of browsers, operating systems, and devices, cross-browser testing has become a crucial part of building a website. Cross-browser testing helps you provide a uniform web experience to all or any of your users across different browsers, devices, and platforms

8. Compatibility with essential plugins

There are tens of thousands of plugins available to WordPress users. So many, in fact, that it’s difficult to understand which of them really make a difference and which are overhyped. Plenty offers useful niche solutions, but few are truly must-have WordPress plugins for all sites.

No matter what quiet site you’re running, or what niche it belongs to, there are certain plugins that you’ll want to install.

A few of our best-selling Premium WordPress Theme

i) Mill – Industry Engineering Factory WordPress Theme

Industry Engineering Factory WordPress Theme | Mill | Iqonic Design

ii) Vrooom – Auto Dealer WordPress Theme

Auto Dealer WordPress Theme | Vrooom | Iqonic Design

iii) StreamIt – Video Streaming WordPress Theme 

Video Streaming WordPress Theme | Streamit | Iqonic Design

Iqonic Multilingual App UI 

Granth – Flutter eBook App

Flutter Ebook App + Admin panel | Granth | Iqonic Design

Check out our amazing WordPress plugin:

Graphina Pro – Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables

Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables | Graphina Pro | Iqonic Design

Graphina Pro is an ultimate easy-to-use chart and graph WordPress plugin. This is a fantastic plugin to represent data and numbers on great-looking, dynamic graphs, and charts. It is a versatile WordPress plugin that allows you to create several kinds of graphs and charts for a sorted and clear display of data on your website.

It is built on the popular Apex charts, Graphina Pro has a powerful set of options, with Dynamic data and new counters, data table, mixed chart, and nested column chart; it has a wide range of charts and adaptability. Graph creation is useful for displaying multiple kinds of reports or statistics.

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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