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What Makes Graphina Pro God of WordPress Charts and Graphs


Data is everything in the world run by tech and Graphina Pro Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables are the ignition. Data can be a key to decision making and WordPress charts and graphs are data visualization formats you can adapt to.

As a great data visualization tool that can bring out the best in data, we are sure Graphina Pro is the Best Data Visualization WordPress plugin of today. With easy-to-interpret formats like Line charts, Bar charts, Pie charts, etc, the Tables and Charts WordPress plugin stays on the top choice of UI UX creators, freelancers, marketers, and professionals.

The Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables CANNOT be named as the most powerful charts solution on WordPress that ever existed – just that! We give you 5 strong reasons to not just believe us but see yourself whether this high-octane, Best data visualization WordPress plugin is worth your time and effort or not.

Features That Make Graphina Pro – The God of Elementor Charts, Graphs, and Datatables

Build Dynamic Elementor Charts from Any Source

Graphina Pro – Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables plugin comes with the power to visually transform any data source into stunning, insightful, and dynamic Elementor Charts and Graphs for you. Whether you have your dataset on Google Sheet, Dynamic CSV file, Rest API, SQL Query, or Firebase, Graphina Pro can recast all the data into your Elementor page in just a few clicks.

Unlimited Elementor Charts Styling Options

Eye-catching Charts and Graphs with dynamic data add credibility to your business presentation and infographics. On the styling front, Graphina is unbeatable to any available Elementor Charts plugin.

As long as building a chart simplifies the data, having the freedom to change color, and fonts, add shadows, and patterns, and create a chart that you’ve imagined is everything!

The free version of Graphina gives a world of aesthetics to your fingertips. Select the chart of your choice from the chart library in the Elementor page builder and customize it as per your preference. Save your creation to a PNG or SVG file and you’re good to go!

Comprehensive Elementor Chart Library

Vivid, bold, and rich in detail charts say much more than numbers and data stored on your system. Multiple datasets require different types of data visualization in general. For instance, Table graphs are ideal for showcasing data over a series of time. For an eCommerce owner, annual sales records can be represented in Table charts efficiently.

Graphina Pro comes with a collection of highly advanced, popular Charts and Graphs libraries of more than 14+ chart solutions. Powered with Apex chart and Google chart, you can simply drag and drop any chart from the library and add data from any sources.

Dynamic Chart Restrictions and Permissions

While we are working with a lot of data and data is all the assets of modern-day business, it is extremely important to restrict data or ensure your data is safe and secure.

Graphina Pro comes with a brilliant Restrictions feature that allows you to Password Protect charts and graphs in which you can restrict the accessibility of that particular chart within your team or individuals.

Taking restrictions quite seriously, Graphina Pro – Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables plugin comes with Role-Based Chart Restrictions which gives you control to allow role-based accessibility within your team and individuals.

You can also assign User ID-based Chart restrictions where only the professionals with assigned User ID have access to the data visualization formats. This helps to keep the data intact, relevant, and confidential for the ultimate decision-makers.  

Auto Ajax Reloading of Charts

The Auto Ajax reloading is a blessing for real-time data dwellers. Graphina Pro – Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables plugin is backed with the highly dynamic Auto Ajax reloading which will reload your Charts and Graphs after a few seconds automatically to ensure your data visualization is up-to-date.

Auto Ajax re-loading of WordPress Charts and Data is ideal for multiple business domains – from tracking stock prices to watching the trends in the sports industry. Whether you are building a dashboard or a presentation for your business, by turning on Auto Ajax reloading, you can save all the time to update the chart all over again.


The market is full of various data visualization tools today. Graphina Pro is easily the most powerful and one-of-the-kind Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables plugin with all these features.

Choosing the right tool for you is even easier, we have a detailed article WordPress Data Visualization: How to Choose the Right Chart or Graph for Your Website for You. Those who master different data visualization types are using the data optimally. Download a free version or Try Graphina Pro to start making the best-informed decisions.

Graphina Pro is quickly becoming the most sorted after Elementor Charts, Graphs, and Datatables plugin and is now available in the following versions:

Checkout – Graphina Firebase (Add-on) plugin

Checkout – Graphina Gutenberg Charts and Graphs plugin

Checkout – Graphina Divi Charts and Graphs For Divi Page Builder

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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