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Why Is It Essential to Have a Responsive Website (2023)


It really depends upon a customer whether it prefers a mobile site or a desktop site. According to a report, half of the audience shifts to a desktop site after having a terrible experience on the mobile site, and in addition to the same report; half of the audience moves to the mobile site after having a bad session on the desktop.

The users’ experience really helps to boost the conversion, it helps to create a really positive impact on the minds of visitors. It provides them with a sense of management, efficiency, and sensibility.

Someone asked us, “What is responsibility according to you?”

Well, responsibility is doing something best to take care of the things around that need to be done. Iqonic Design always takes its responsibilities seriously and makes its strategies accordingly. Our priority is to make our customers’ websites glorying and Eye-catching.

In this blog, we’ll talk about responsiveness in terms of Responsive website design. So, to gain a significant amount of insight and implement them in your website do stick with us till the end. As we’re about to give some amazing surprise.

Let’s begin with the introduction of a Responsive Web Design.

A Responsive Website Design

Almost every website differs from another, whether in terms of its content, its product/service offering, its presentation, or its purpose. As websites are intangible, they require special characteristics and features. In such cases, their design requirements also differ from one another.

Let’s take an instance, suppose you’re company is in the E-commerce sector then probably your design will highly focus on conversions. Add to cart and proceed with the transaction, will be your ultimate goal but these priorities might change when we talk about a law firm’s website. They focus on providing consultations rather than being sally. Another example is of an education academy, which focuses on being informative.

As the intention differs, the platform of viewing a website differs too. An E-commerce website should be highly optimized on their mobile screen, rather than monitored as 90% of customers will execute their order from a smartphone. Whereas, a law firm should focus on their PC screen, as we check such sensitive information through our laptop or desktop only.

We have to be active enough in this type of psychology because it increases our conversions and retention rate on the website. Moreover, it reduces the bounce rate.

Let’s be even more elaborate.

Responsive website design simply means the capacity of a website to adjust its features and fit into the screen of every device. The text which is displayed on the screen must be readable, all the pictures should be of high quality, and the key design should look impressive enough to catch the attention.

But now the question arises of why is it necessary to have a Responsive website design.

The answer is simple and the most vital aspect. It keeps online businesses relevant and helps them to provide a great user experience. Imagine yourself as a visitor, will you stay on a website that looks fishy, irrelevant, shabby, and unorganized?

Not at all, right?

Users demand a well-defined website that generates faith and a positive impact on their minds. 

5 Fascinating Advantages of Having a Responsive Website

1. It Can boost Traffic and Sales

It’s a lot simpler to open a website on a phone in spite of opening it on a desktop. According to a survey, Mobile phones enrich the global world traffic by 52.6% and more than 40% of online activities are currently taking place from a mobile phone.

Many companies are now offering free WiFi in their physical stores to ease online transactions and sales. The quality that enriches mobile transactions is the responsiveness of the website.

2. Better Search Engine Optimization

Google simply promotes those websites that are more user-friendly and responsive. If your website is taking too long to load then the other website which gets loaded instantly will obviously rank higher than you.

In simple terms, a website URL with a great responsible scale will make it cautious for Googlebot and boost its crawling ability.

People simply engage more in a website that possesses versatility and if the number of people visiting your site increases then by nature your reach and visibility increase too.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Website ofter promotes their content using advertising techniques, such as ads, creatives, boost posts, and many more. These initiatives differ from device to device. If the website is not a responsive one, then these advertisements will have to be optimized as per the device.

A website needs to be professionally planned, contrasting, and highly engaging. It should illustrate that you’re an authentic brand, in your area of expertise, moving with the trend, with multiple approaches and technologies.

4. Management Efficiency

If your website operations differ from device to device, then there will be a lot of hustle-bustle in managing the data. Your posts, web content, images, visuals, everything will differ.

To help you overcome this, we suggest you always go for a Responsive website theme. That automatically adjusts its components and fits exactly with another device’s compatibility.

5. Enchanting User-Experience

It really depends upon a customer whether it prefers a mobile site or a desktop site. According to a report, half of the audience shifts to a desktop site after having a terrible experience on the mobile site, and in addition to the same report; half of the audience moves to the mobile site after having a bad session on the desktop.

The users’ experience really helps to boost the conversion, it helps to create a really positive impact on the minds of visitors. It provides them with a sense of management, efficiency, and sensibility.

Wrapping Up!

To stand out from the crowd, you need to create a responsive web design that is highly user-friendly and bewitching. Your website’s flexibility tells about your company, the simple website analytics helps to implement thriving strategies too.

We would like to recommend some amazing responsible WordPress themes that will help you to achieve your dream website.

Responsive website design

Have a look at, “Graphina“, “Marvy” for more freebie and premium WordPress themes you can check out Iqonic Designs.

Thank you for staying till the end, we value your time and efforts. Feel free to acquire any assistance from our team. Our executives will be delighted to solve your queries and ensure secure payments.

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Vatsal Makhija
Vatsal Makhija
Articles: 77