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WordPress Data Visualization For Small Scale Digital Startups


What is data visualization?

Graphina - Data visualization WordPress plugin |  Iqonic Design

Data visualization is the process of translating information into a visual format, making it simpler to understand trends, patterns, and exceptions within large data sets. By visually displaying data, we can more easily discern the relationships between different information pieces and draw valuable insights.

This branch of data science is essential for making insights from big data more accessible. Data visualization is one of the processes in the data science process, according to which data must be represented after it has been collected, processed, and modeled in order to draw conclusions. 

Importance of data visualization 

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Data visualization is a simple and effective way to use visual data to convey information to a large audience. The method can be used to figure out what elements impact client behavior, identify areas that need to be improved or given more attention, make data more remembered by stakeholders, figure out when and where specific goods should be placed, and anticipate sales volumes. This can be beneficial for businesses in a number of ways.

Some benefits of data visualization also include the following:

  • The ability to quickly gain more information, more new insights, and data-driven decisions.
  • A better knowledge of what has to be done next to strengthen the organization; an enhanced capacity to keep the audience’s attention by providing information that they can understand
  • A simple way of sharing information that makes it easier to discuss ideas with everyone involved.
  • Data no longer requires scientists for interpretation because it is more accessible and intelligible.
  • Enhanced capacity to move rapidly on insights and, as a result, achieve achievement with more speed and fewer errors

Tips For Small Scale Digital Startups

How do Choosing Great Data Visualizations for Your Data Science Projects?

1) Understand the purpose of your project

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What problems do you want to overcome? Are your ideas generic or original? What value will the information you’re delivering have for your company? Do you have long-term or short-term goals?

Before I start any project, I make sure I have clear answers to these questions, which I write down and refer to in case I get off track.

It’s not always preferable to have more data; you need the correct data for the right query.

Data visualization is the process of turning raw data into meaningful tales that anyone can understand. Is it better to be in or out of technology? When working with data visualizations, having prior knowledge of your data will help you work faster and more accurately.

2) Know your audience

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Apart from forgetting to identify some objectives, the data visualizations resembled a population statistics chart. 

Don’t get me wrong: charts are fantastic, but if you’re giving a presentation to a group of highly talented data scientists, you’ll want to make your data look as polished as possible. 

Your chosen data visualization style should be compatible with and communicate with your target audience. They should be able to relate to your data perfectly. What is their level of expertise?

Are they technologically savvy enough to comprehend your visualizations? When working on your project, keep in mind that people perceive information differently. Study your audience and reflect on their responses.

3) Prepare and understand the specifications of the data you are working among

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Data is frequently provided in a variety of formats. Ordinal, qualitative, categorical, and nominal data are the most common categories of data. 

You must comprehend the one-of-a-kind nature of the data set in your project. The majority of data visualization initiatives are based simply on the data sets’ quality, standard, and diversity. 

Understanding your data type will make some data visualization types easier to use and delete.

Using a line chart with categorical data, for example, is not a smart idea. Similarly, due to their direct narrative efficiency, maps and column graphs are commonly preferred for geographical data.

This process begins with important data collecting, hypothesis, and data checks in order to uncover significant information insights. We can use a variety of methods to comprehend the data sets.

4) Select a suitable chart type

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The main goal of data visualization is to present a message in the simplest way possible so that it can be understood quickly. Charts are used to evaluate and break down variables, and picking the proper one determines the level of professionalism with which your data is presented.

With so many charts and visualization possibilities, it takes a lot of accuracies to get the most out of each one.

5) Select a powerful visualization software

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There are numerous data visualization technologies available; your choice will be influenced by your objectives, project type, scale, and analytical needs.

Modern data science has revolutionized the way analysts work. Since then, a lot has changed. Most visualization software has a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, so all you need is a basic understanding of the tool’s concept to get started.

Now I know what you’re thinking about and what questions are going to pop into your head. Where can I locate data visualization tools like this? Which one is the best? Which one would be able to assist me with all of these features? Don’t worry, I’ll assist you with your confusion. Allow me to introduce you to the most effective data visualization software available.

Graphina – Data visualization WordPress plugin

Graphina - Data visualization WordPress plugin |  Iqonic Design

Graphina Gutenberg is a powerful Gutenberg Charts and Graphs plugin for WordPress sites. Widgets are available in the Graphs and Charts Addons for Gutenberg.

This WordPress charts and graphs Addons for Gutenberg utility combines functionality with ease of use, as you can add numerous media kinds and configure layouts using blocks.

The Graphina Gutenberg – Tables and Charts WordPress Plugin adds data to your website in an attractive and modern way. 

The Graphina – WordPress charts and graphs provide you with the freedom to create amazing charts, animated tables, and graphs in addition to being developer-friendly.

If you’re creating a website with a lot of data and numbers, the Graphina – WordPress charts and graphs plugin tool is not just the best, but also the best option.

Optimize the data visualization WordPress plugin add-on Graphina – WordPress charts and graphs tool to create a stunning web page. 

Six Gutenberg widgets are included in the library, allowing you to construct Line charts, Column charts, Pie charts, Radar charts, Area charts, and Donut charts on your website. The free version of Graphina – WordPress chart plugin is also available.


To be honest, I’ve struggled with data visualization in the past. I’ve been self-taught throughout my education, but I understood that in order to gain a thorough understanding of data visualization, I needed to seek out training from industry experts. Never stop learning.

Understand the aim of your project, identify your audience, prepare your data sets, and choose a visualization tool with quality features before deciding what style of chart or visual type to employ. You’ll need a map, so prepare a list of your goals and make sure you keep to them. Avoid overcrowding your graphs and keep your visualizations simple and easy to interpret. It’s usually preferable to keep things basic when it comes to data visualization. And now you also have the best data visualization software to help you out.  

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Umita Varma
Umita Varma
Articles: 16